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Kitchen Cleaning Guide: How to Spring Clean in the Kitchen

How clean is your kitchen? Are there any areas you might be forgetting to clean? Here’s our in-depth spring cleaning checklist to keep your kitchen clean for the new season and beyond.

Whether you love or hate keeping your kitchen clean, it’s a daily task that can’t be ignored. But as we look ahead to spring, you might be considering deep cleaning your kitchen as part of your usual spring clean to make sure it’s as hygienic as can be, not to mention looking its best.  

Luckily for you, we’ve put together this kitchen cleaning guide full of easy hacks and tips to keep your kitchen sparkly clean for the long-term. 

The household products that make kitchen cleaning a breeze

Cleaning your kitchen can feel like a mammoth task that needs to involve multiple cleaning products. However, did you know you can clean your kitchen using just three products that you will most likely already have in your household cupboards? 

Here I’ll explain how white vinegar, lemons and baking soda can be used to clean five key areas of your kitchen.


Firstly, the dreaded oven. Remove the oven racks and place in an empty tub. Sprinkle baking soda over them and then spray with white vinegar. The baking soda and white vinegar will create a foam which will work to remove any grease. Set the oven racks in hot water overnight before scrubbing away any grime left on the racks with a sponge or towel in the morning. Rinse with cool water and dry before placing back in the oven.

Kitchen counters 

Secondly, the kitchen countertops, which are probably the thing in the kitchen we all clean most frequently! Try squeezing lemon juice on top of countertop stains and let it sit for a couple of minutes. As lemons are acidic, don’t let this sit for more than two minutes. Add baking soda on top and use a damp cloth to scrub the stain away. However, don’t try this on a marble countertop as it could etch it.

Kitchen taps 

Next up is kitchen taps. To remove limescale from taps use a 75/25 solution of lemon juice and water. Gently scrub the solution on the tap with a soft sponge and leave this to dissolve the limescale deposits for 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water.

If you’ve opted for a special finish such as matt black, chrome or brushed brass, it’s especially important to avoid using harsh chemicals such as vinegar when cleaning, and do not leave the lemon juice solution to soak for more than a couple of minutes before rinsing away.

Be mindful of using this as a regular cleaning pattern, however. Drying your tap with a microfibre cloth after use will prevent limescale, which is especially recommended if you have hard water. Clean regularly with a damp, soft cloth to keep on top of stains and hard water marks. Our specialist Cramer tap cleaner will also help to remove water marks.

You should also clean the aerator regularly; this is the nozzle on the outer part of the tap faucet and where you are likely to see most of the limescale build up. Use a toothbrush and your lemon juice solution to gently scrub away. 

The fridge

Of course, we couldn’t exclude cleaning the fridge as we’ve all opened our fridge to an unpleasant smell left behind from certain foods. However, one way to combat this is by placing a few slices of lemon on a plate and leaving them to sit in your fridge. The slices will soak up any smells and leave your fridge smelling lemon fresh. Don’t forget to swap out the slices every week to ensure they’re fresh.

Kitchen bin

Last but certainly not least, the kitchen bin. An easy way to keep bin odours at bay is to sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your bin and leave it there as you fill your bin. When you empty the bin, don’t forget to replace and sprinkle the baking soda on the bottom again.

Sinks can be kept like new simply with hot water, washing up liquid and a soft cloth

What about the hidden parts of the kitchen you're probably NOT Cleaning, but should be…

We all love a spotlessly clean kitchen, but we identified six parts of your kitchen that are usually overlooked. While you might not get to these during every daily wipe down, these areas do need tending to in a deep clean, so that you can be confident your kitchen is spick and span.

So, let's take a look at those common areas we're probably not cleaning - but should be! 

To read our answers for the most searched for questions regarding kitchen cleaning, read our brand new, ultimate kitchen cleaning guide here. 

1. Sinks

Smelly kitchen sinks are an instant turn off and while it’s generally something your nose will immediately pick up on, you can become used to the smell so it’s best to get things sorted straight away. 

The stench in your kitchen sink is usually caused by the build up of small bits of food which fall down the drain after washing dishes. You can pour hot water down the drain to help break up the build up of food but that’s not always going to work. The next thing to try is white vinegar. A small cup of the stuff down the drain should do the trick. Leave it to soak for 30 minutes before washing away with a hot rinse. If you’re still noticing the smell after this, try mixing white vinegar with baking soda and pouring it down the sink, before washing away with hot water a couple of hours later.

Ceramic, composite and stainless steel sinks can be kept like new by cleaning regularly around the bowl with washing up liquid and hot water using a soft cloth. You can also use one of our Cramer polishes to get rid of small marks. 

2. Fridge coils 

Think about it when - if ever - was the last time you gave your fridge coils a once over? We tend to put off cleaning the fridge inside so you can be forgiven for forgetting about the outside. But keeping your fridge coils clean and dust free will make your appliance run more efficiently and in turn help to cut down on energy bills. In fact, dirty and dusty fridge coils are a hazard in the kitchen. If left to worsen over the years, it’s probably going to shorten the life of your fridge as it’ll overload the compressor - and if this breaks you are looking at hundreds of pounds worth of repairs or worse forking out on a brand new fridge. Just giving the coils a hoover every now and again will keep your fridge running smoothly. Always unplug your fridge before attempting to hoover the coils or cleaning to be safe. 

3. Underneath appliances

We all give our small countertop appliances a quick clean every day or so, but that’s probably just a wipe down at a surface level to get rid of stains, spillages or crumbs you can see. But what about what’s lurking underneath things like your microwave, hob or toaster? This area is where a lot of grime, grease and debris can accumulate and these can be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria like Salmonella and E coli. It’s a good idea to include a wipe down of these areas with an antibacterial spray or solution in your spring clean to make sure you have a hygienic and safe kitchen.

4. Extractor fan 

This isn’t going to be anyone’s favourite but if you’re in the mood for spring cleaning this should be one of the first on the list. Extractor fans in the kitchen are usually installed to help remove cooking smells and draw moisture and steam out of the room so they don’t escape to other areas of the home and cause issues like damp or smells seeping into fabrics. Like with most things if your extractor fan is dirty then it will impact its effectiveness to do the job well. 

To clean, remove any filters that it has and wash them in your sink (or bath tub) with hot soapy water. Make sure they are completely dry before placing them back. Do this every three months to keep them in good working order.

5. Kettle

Having a decent cuppa is something most of us crave on a daily basis, yet cleaning the kettle isn’t something we tend to think about or do that regularly. A build up of limescale can appear inside the kettle on the base and around the edges, spout and funnel. Unfortunately if we don’t do it, we risk transferring limescale into our cuppa and no one wants floaty bits in their morning brew! 

Descaling your kettle is thankfully really simple. Cut one or two lemons (or limes) in half and put them inside the kettle half-to three quarters full with water and boil. Once it has finished, let it sit for 10 minutes and then boil it again. The lemon contains natural acids which will break up the limescale and then you can rinse this away.

6. Bin

Changing the bin is likely a daily chore for most of us but do you give the bin itself a good clean? Leftovers that have been thrown away can often seep through the bag, splash back or miss the bag entirely coating the lid and sides of the bin. This can create quite a pong as well as the risk of the food going mouldy. It’s a good idea to give the bin a good rinse out with hot, soapy water once a fortnight to keep on top of this. 

You can also put some ground coffee in the bottom of the bin which can help to neutralise any nasty smells. During warmer months, your bin should be cleaned more frequently as food rots quicker in the heat attracting flies. 

Plagued by flies during the summer? Read our blog on how to get rid of flies and other creepy crawlies around the house.

Lemons and baking soda are an effective and environmentally friendly natural cleaning aid

Five natural products you can use to clean the kitchen during your spring clean 

A recent study carried out by us here at Tap Warehouse asked participants how important it is for them to use eco-friendly cleaning products as part of their cleaning routine. 

More than 40% of respondents said this was important or extremely important for them, while just 5% said that it wasn’t important at all. So, as consumers, we are consciously seeking better cleaning products to use within the home. In fact, finding products that contain natural or plant-based ingredients was one of the biggest priorities. 

Interestingly, there are probably everyday items sitting in your cupboards that can be used as part of your spring clean routine. We wanted to share these five food and drink items that can help you keep your kitchen and your home spotless.

1. Coffee 

Use this to remove tough stains on countertops. Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of instant coffee grounds into a half cup of hot, soapy water and use this solution to work out the stain. It’s the acidity of the coffee that helps to cut through the grime.

2. Tea bags 

Tea lovers can also rejoice as tea bags are great for helping to remove stubborn, burnt in stains and grime on oven dishes. Just let them soak in the sink with a few tea bags overnight to help bring that shine back. The tannins in the tea bags help to degrease and loosen the food grime. 

3. Lemon

We’re all fans of lemons when it comes to cleaning - from descaling your kettle to removing limescale on your taps! It’s a good idea to always keep a bunch of these on hand especially during your spring clean. A bunch of four will cost as little as £1 and works wonders for cleaning as well as your G&T!

4. Mayonnaise 

A much lesser known cleaning aid which can be found in the fridge is mayonnaise. It works wonders to remove ring marks on wooden tables left from cups and glasses. Squirt a pea size amount of mayonnaise onto a piece of kitchen roll or paper towel and place it onto the stain applying a small amount of pressure. Leave the towel on the stain for 20 minutes before buffing the area with a clean cloth.

5. Ketchup

Yes, ketchup has more use than a condiment for your fries! You can actually buff up and bring back that shine to your stylish copper cookware. Apply the ketchup to a clean cloth and use circular motions to scrub the tarnished areas of your pots and pans. 

Citrus scents work best for the kitchen

Don't forget to make things welcoming by choosing the perfect scent for the kitchen 

After all the spring cleaning is done, why not prolong the freshness and enjoy the area even more with a beautiful fragrance perfect for the kitchen. 

Citrus is one of the best scents to use in the kitchen as it has uplifting properties, but is also quite strong smelling to help mask unwanted cooking smells. 

Those inviting, fruity notes of lemon, orange, grapefruit and lime, for example, have invigorating and refreshing qualities. They are able to lift our mood and increase energy levels - all perfect for the heart of the home. 

Read more about which scents are perfect for each room in the home

So there you have it! A comprehensive guide to spring cleaning your kitchen helping to target all areas including those we might be forgetting about. 

If you're starting your spring refresh with a few clever updates to your kitchen then we can help. Browse our full range of kitchen taps and sinks and also have a read of how to get a new kitchen sink (including the taps) for under £200.

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